Category: Taboo Roleplay

  • sister ruins no nut november

    sister ruins no nut november

    ♡ sister ruins no nut november ♡ 14 mins • you’ve been acting so weird lately, what’s going on with you? wait you’re seriously participating in no nut november? i thought that was a joke thing, do people really do that? so you haven’t cum for almost a month… you must be really sensetive to…

  • step bro, I had a bad dream

    step bro, I had a bad dream

    ♡ step bro, I had a bad dream ♡15 mins • I woke up from a nightmare and couldn’t get back to sleep so I asked my step bro if I could come sleep in his room. I snuggled up into his bed and step bro decided to cuddle with me, he’s so sweet. he…

  • anal with my best friend

    anal with my best friend

    ♡ anal with my best friend ♡24 mins • my boyfriend isn’t talking to me. I asked him if we could try anal and he’s being all weird about it. I’m so glad I have you to talk to about it, you’re such a good friend. I just really wanna see what it’s like… and…

  • doctor’s appointment

    doctor’s appointment

    ♡ doctor’s appointment ♡13 mins • I went in to my doctor’s office for a checkup and we decided to start with a pelvic exam, I’m always so nervous seeing a doctor but I lay back and try to relax as he uses his gloved hands to explore my vagina. he starts with spreading and…

  • saving your marriage

    saving your marriage

    ♡ saving your marriage ♡ 18 mins • I’ve been counseling you and your wife for a few months and decided to have you come in for a one-on-one session. I’ve noticed that you don’t have a very fulfilling sex life and I’m concerned that if we bring this up to your wife, she’ll just…

  • tea for three

    tea for three

    ♡ tea for three ♡15 mins • you and your girlfriend just moved in together and you invited me over for tea. I chat with you both while making some rude comments to your gf. she goes to the kitchen to make us some tea and I immediately spread my legs to show you that…

  • cheat on your gf with me

    cheat on your gf with me

    ♡ cheat on your gf with me ♡24 mins • oh no are you fighting with your girlfriend again? idk why you even bother with her, she’s always causing problems for no reason. if I were your girlfriend, I’d just be so happy to be with you. you’re so great and you know I’ve always…

  • saving your slut sister

    saving your slut sister

    ♡ saving your slut sister ♡21 mins • my brother took my stuff in his room again. I go looking for it but find his creepy jesus shrine instead. does he really need a crucifix, bible, and mother teresa figurine next to his bed? i’m so tired of him trying to save me and help…

  • step bro i’m stuck

    step bro i’m stuck

    ♡ step bro, i’m stuck ♡16 mins • help me step bro!! I was reaching for my weed pen and I got my arm stuck behind the couch! luckily my step bro was nearby to help me. but he rubbed up against my ass trying to help me get out and I felt a boner????…

  • daddy please get me pregnant

    daddy please get me pregnant

    ♡ daddy please get me pregnant ♡15 mins • my first impregnation roleplay! I had so much fun ♡ starts off with a dialogue intro, I tell you I need to ask you for a big favor, I want a bby and I want you to get me pregnant. at first you say no but…